The Luxembourg Gender Finance Task Force
The Luxembourg Gender Finance Task Force aims to support, drive and stimulate gender finance in the Luxembourg financial centre. The task force is mandated to identify key opportunities within the domain of gender finance and develop a sector-wide ideas, focusing on both "finance for women" and "women in finance".
The Task Force aims to identify opportunities that can be undertaken individually by actors in the Luxembourg financial center or through collaborations between public and private actors.
The Gender Finance Task Force is composed of a diverse group of representatives from the financial sector and organised by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance:
- Chairperson: Jennifer de Nijs, Luxembourg Ministry of Finance
- Secretary: Alyssa Di Cara, Luxembourg Ministry of Finance
- Secretary: Robert Jarvis, Luxembourg Ministry of Finance
Gender Finance Task Force Members:
- Arnaud Gillin, Innpact (Founding Partner)
- Carmen Niethammer, EIB (Senior Gender Specialist)
- Emanuele Vignoli, HSBC Luxembourg (CEO)
- Hedda Pahlson-Moller, Tiime (Founding Partner)
- Jessica Espinoza, 2X Global (CEO)
- Julie Becker, Luxembourg Stock Exchange (CEO)
- Kaspar Wansleben, Investing for Development (Executive Director)
- Craig Blair, Franklin Templeton (General Manager)
- Paul Lecoublet, Generali (CEO)
- Nicoletta Centofanti, Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (CEO)
- Rishi Goyal, IMF (Deputy Director, Senior Advisor on Gender) (observer)
- Simon Gorbutt, Luxembourg for Finance (Deputy CEO)

Working Groups
- data of women in finance
- mentorship, sponsorship and career development
- education
- events,communication, and talents
- definitions and standards
- innovation and acceleration
- gender intelligent products and services for women
Press releases:
- 05.09.2023 - Minister of Finance launches Luxembourg Gender Finance Task Force
- 08.03.2024 - The Ministry of Finance launches seven working groups to drive gender finance forward
- 04.07.2024 - Luxembourg Gender Finance Task Force announces action plan
- 10.10.2024 - Working Group publishes a mapping of existing public networks and mentorship programs specifically for women.
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